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[歐洲] 英警擬引入占士邦式激光槍

英國警方可能會部署每支價值2萬5千鎊(約30萬港元)的占士邦式激光槍,利用其發出令人暫時失明的4公尺(約13呎)闊光牆遏制暴徒,以防今年8月的暴亂重演。' s3 u  q" ^! x9 X9 O5 V/ v

$ t* A+ L' _1 L- j5.39.217.76  該種肩托式激光槍名為「SMU100」,外形類似一支來福槍,可暫時削弱任何直望向它的人的視力。
6 ]2 E+ j6 F7 q" V. e( D5.39.217.76tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! T. U4 J$ ?, w9 i) d9 q9 s  c, S
. w) a# P$ f9 P3 D! M' ]  q引入激光槍公仔箱論壇6 M$ b3 s$ Y/ Q+ V- R  I* E
: v' \2 h: p: ^. [9 ^公仔箱論壇2 Z# a  A) I7 h# w# T' u5 d2 b
「暫時失明」這點很有保留. 不少軍警引入新型「非致命武器」都聲稱沒有永久傷害, 但後果總會發現有後遺症. 這次只不過是借機引入新的強力武器方便執法. 對民權往往弊多於利.


  • aa00

Well. this SMU100 laser gun is currently being used by troops in Afghanistan.  It proofs to be quite effective to blind the enemies in very short period of time just like to watch the sun at noon.  The original idea was to use this wall of light to blind the pirates so that the shipping companies can be safe.  I guess next stop will be for public use if the damage can be proved to be short period of time.  Would you like one for your home security ?


  • aa00

well, if it is permitted, i'd like to have every weapon available to protect my home. "my home", i mean--which is tantamount to one's castle.
6 h, U' g- m8 `+ s7 S& c: Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) v+ D% }. t8 g/ _5 `! a. ^/ t( B) ^
i have great reservation, though, for police/army [police, especially] to procure for any new powerful "non-lethal" weapons.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! x- P+ k* V8 I9 [7 y; i
1. they often claim those new weapons to be "non-lethal" and that the adverse effects are just temporary. but the adverse effects of most of those weapons, would later be proved to be not so temporary. `5 l. O3 h+ g3 Z
2. and they simply want to make their job easy. and to be more efficient in supressing the people. and i don't see it as a good thing.


  • aa00
