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书本、水壶、粉笔是课室内的常见物品,教学、上学生涯的日用品,这次却成了战争物资。 金马士端姑阿都拉曼国中一位巫裔女教师对初中班生发飙,出言不逊辱骂学生之余,动口还动手,随手拿起书本、书包、粉笔、水壶便朝学生丢去,把学生轰出教室。
5 v, G; E# L* W2 Q" x, u 路过的高中生受不了野蛮老师的暴力举动而走入教室插手理论,问她:为何你骂他们“华人X”?;却也不幸遭殃。
0 S4 c# r! `1 w! \" N, B2 h" ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 事件发生后,各方仿彿都不愿意把事情搞大,希望息事宁人才让该不平事时隔一周方揭露于社会大众面前。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! O) V+ A: d' V0 ^
 以上事件令笔者想起初中时期一次下课时段老师拿起铅笔盒迎面丢来的场面,几位学生们怀抱得以闪躲的侥幸之心,冷眼看著散落满地的文具;至今仍然想不起来,到底是做了什么惹恼老师,众人遭人“泄欲”后还要替那飙狂者收拾残局。- m) C1 O  R/ t2 Q% G* ]! [( t( p
) J! ?& g. v! i3 E2 d公仔箱論壇没动手权力tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" Y- h: L8 Z; G) j; v
 说回来,为人师表恶言相向,不单侮辱学生人格,还数落别人的宗族,乃最典型的负面教材。/ [# y- f9 T7 o" n
+ v5 r4 x8 d- D' s4 E" \公仔箱論壇 教师能够罚站、打手板,就是没有一条规例说明老师有权在课室边骂边对学生乱丢东西。公仔箱論壇( m7 Y$ q, C; S* P  _
6 l$ U/ M. j( ^) p8 d) E: s( p0 c 将心比己,如果你让人“问候”你“XX”,你心情又是如何?斥骂含有种族歧视的字句,不是一个拥有文化素养的人应有的表现。
; v6 x1 m* |5 r) M$ H  g公仔箱論壇 每个人都有脾气,有自己的临界点;然而,这并非使用暴力的理由。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' h, m( `$ [: Z/ @# ]
! M1 ?8 A$ P8 D0 |) n5.39.217.76(本栏言论不代表本报立场)


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本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2011-7-20 06:48 AM 編輯 公仔箱論壇# @! s+ P$ f" W- t9 Q

; a* r9 [! r9 H公仔箱論壇I think it's the damage to the students' ego rather than physical injury that would be long-lasting and may have a detrimental effect on their psychological development as well. Teachers are human and they are subject to racial stereotypes in the media and emotional turmoil in daily living. When teacher blurted comments or attack totally unconnected with the students' wrong, it partly reflects their core belief which is more disturbing. Physical punishment is not allowed except under circumstances that the students may pose immediate danger to himself or others. The effort to cover up this incident reflects the culture of the teaching profession in the area. Teachers often want discipline and conformity of the students in class as it is easier for their jobs. However, if enforced too strictly, it would stifle the development of individual personality and talents. There is always that delicate balance between personal development and observance of rules in class that teachers endeavor to strike.


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