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[新聞] 入「魔」之徒陸續有來



nowaday sign new player also need fast lor....cannot wait until last mins...
曼聯哩批新血全部年輕化, 用意好明顯, 事實依家曼聯嘅現有球員都已經老化.
但哩啲新血係咪可以挑大樑, 就真係要時間證明, 如果一個唔好彩, 搵多個好似夏格維斯就弊囉.
另一個要注意嘅, 應該係新血嘅融入能力, 同埋佢哋始終係後生,
能唔能夠踢出彩虹, 真係要喺哩個新球季裏面搵答案,
希望費Sir繼續能夠慧眼識英雄, 我哋曼聯迷都要繼續支持曼聯呀~~~~
sign more player win champion league la
Agree with Brother Steve, we have to act quick, but that will be more expensive...
Also agree with Brother Gordon, too bad England and the Man Utd Youth Team dont have MF like Iniesta or Xavi... Dont even need to talk about Messi... So we need to buy more potential players to try!! Hope we are lucky enough to get someone good!!!
I don't think they will spent alot cus the owner too cheap.
i wan world class midfileder...