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[美洲] 新現漏油點來自另一口廢舊油井

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2010-7-23 01:11 AM 編輯
+ H( {* _# ~) |, d! a) @公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇4 J1 b$ s2 P5 f. Z( o; l+ g2 h  c9 ]- \
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墨西哥灣漏油井邊新現的漏油點引來了各方關注。據美國媒體報導,為了緩解民眾對於新控油罩可能使漏油井在壓力下垮掉的擔心,美國政府漏油事務總長於當地時間 20日表示,海底發現的新的漏油點並非來自漏油裂井,而是2英里外的一口廢油井。公仔箱論壇. w/ ~1 d" W4 h/ j
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Thad Allen)表示,漏油井裝置周圍至少發現了5個漏油點,他不認同這些漏油點是非常小的幾滴就像汽車漏油一樣的說法。
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75噸控油罩是否密封嚴實,是否出現壓力下崩裂的跡象。據悉,一旦油管發生崩裂,會造成更大,更難以控制的災難。" v. v, {" W/ K* m. p  C! Y& O5 k
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& L+ _6 u$ j$ h+ [  v( X5.39.217.76威爾斯表示,工人希望從漏油井的側邊鑽孔,在
7月底之前將其攔截。到那時,他們就將啟動最終程序:將泥漿同水泥吸入到裂井中,永遠將其封死。英石油公司表示,這一程序將持續 5天到一個星期。公仔箱論壇9 F* i) |2 S' U' f' B

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BP will most likely move forward with the“static kill” that could permanently seal the gusher in a few days. The method is similar to the “top kill” that failed in early June and would use existing equipment and plumbing. Company officials said this effort was more likely to succeed because a new cap atop the well had stemmed the flow of oil.
, G1 X% e5 {, U9 O5.39.217.76TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ A0 p; m# E7 r7 U5 P
1.Heavy mud would be pumped from the Q4000 production vessel down a pipe connected to the original blowout preventer’s choke line. The pipe would first be pressurized to match pressure in the well. An alternative would be to run a drill pipe to the top of the cap assembly from another surface vessel.
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9 J0 T9 ?6 d3 x6 @( itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2.The choke valve would be opened, and the mud, which would be pumped through at a much slower rate than used during the failed top kill in June, would eventually force the oil and gas back down into the reservoir.

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# b- Z9 [7 d& W7 { relief well will still be completed. If the static kill succeeds, engineers would use the relief well to confirm that the well was sealed. If the static kill only partially seals the well, the relief well would be used to complete the job.
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