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波霸艷星潘蜜拉安德森(Pamela Anderson)為動保團體拍攝的廣告,在加拿大竟然被禁了,理由是「性別歧視」(sexist),賣弄女性肉體,「與男女平等為敵」。 Q# k" U9 _0 Y/ i" w; k
公仔箱論壇2 u9 ~! |! U) p# b+ H* l$ w
' H7 R. Y6 X- U1 |公仔箱論壇
4 c5 S6 Z) W- O對於這幅廣告被加拿大禁刊,潘蜜拉痛批加拿大官員老古板,「之後女人是不是該穿上罩袍包緊緊?」PETA人員也批評加拿大官員,「將性感(sexy)和性別歧視(sexist)搞混了。」
  W. _5 L5 z& J" Ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
9 ~& ^4 W8 x) L3 k- l5.39.217.76
I guess this ad wants to establish a parallel between us and animal. I don't think this has anything to do with sexism. The link it tried to establish is flimsy and not quite appealing. I have a vague sense of cannibalism which is surely abominable. Although it can make an impression, it is for the opposite reason.