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/ P- G6 m- F' d' ~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
/ ^( ~! W; K! R+ T1 ?5 t5.39.217.76俄羅斯國家管弦樂團創辦人米哈伊尔.普雷特涅夫被控非禮一名男童,並在一些不堪入目的照片中與多名男童一起。 m# X. s- v2 T

. q/ A$ a! K3 B7 \; G6 o: [如果罪名成立,他最高可被判監禁20年和罰款4萬銖(約9,600港元)。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 z( f' B& q7 {, Z' @" [1 e

8 c- I- s3 K  [公仔箱論壇
Infinity is the Limit for me
I really don't understand the psychology of the paedophile. Out of all sex crimes, this is the most deplorable act which should be met with severe punishment. Thailand is a fertile ground of prostitution and it becomes a hotbed for this repugnant felony. It is a kind of exploitation, both physically and economically. These perpetrators hope to evade penalty in their own countries when they committed the acts in foreign places. Given the half-hearted pursuit of this crime in Thailand, it is more effective for their countries of origin to step up their punishment. Like Canada, there is a website giving information of convicted paedophiles, which serves both as a deterrent (doubtful) and a warning to the community. A transnational organization to crack down the paedophile networks which not only provide graphic materials but also information and arrangements.

